Sponsorship packages are now available for next year’s event. Please check out the Sponsorship Prospectus and feel free to contact Mary Laflin at 317.525.6720 or mlaflin@paramountindy.org to find out more information.
Presenting Sponsor Opportunity $15,000 Support Level
Top placement of linking logo on website, all printed collaterals, promotional pieces, press materials, E blasts, rack cards and social media.
Complimentary 20 x 20 booth in a prime Festival Pavilion location.
4 VIP tickets to the Perfect Bite Championships
Logo and words placed on front of program.
Logo on Event signage
Multiple weeks of media schedule to run prior to the event, with logo included in all print ads.
An organization banner prominently displayed at the Fair.
Signature Sponsor acknowledgement throughout the event during introduction of entertainment.
Inclusion and representation in earned media opportunities.
Pavilion Sponsor Opportunity $7,500 Support Level
Banners with Pavilion Sponsor recognition and organization branding at Pavilion entrances.
Placement of linking logo on website, all printed collaterals, promotional pieces, press materials, E blasts, rack cards and social media.
Complimentary 10 x 20 booth in a superior Festival Pavilion location.
Logo on event program.
Sponsor acknowledgement throughout the event during introduction of entertainment.
Designated Area Opportunities $5,000 Support Level
Family Fun Area Outdoor Classroom Dining area / ticket booth Entertainment stage
Logo on designated area signs.
Placement of linking logo on website, all printed collaterals, promotional pieces, press materials, E blasts, rack cards and social media.
Complimentary 10 x 20 Pavilion booth.
Logo on event program.
Sponsor banner prominently displayed.
Sponsor acknowledgement throughout the event during introduction of entertainment.
Farm Demonstration Area Opportunities $2,500 Support Level
Chicken Coop Goats Apiary
Logo on designated area signs.
Placement of linking logo on website, all printed collaterals, promotional pieces, press materials, E blasts, rack cards and social media.
Complimentary 10 x 20 Pavilion booth.
Logo on event program.
Supporting Sponsor Opportunity $1,000 Support Level
Placement of linking logo on website, all printed collaterals, promotional pieces, press materials, E blasts, rack cards and social media.
Complimentary 10 x 20 Pavilion booth.
Logo on event program.
There are three sponsorships levels exclusive to the Perfect Bite Championships, which take place each year at TURN the day after the public festival.
Chef Champion Sponsor $2,500 Support Level
8 tickets to the event.
One spot on the expert panel for "judges choice" of the first round.
One spot as a judge in the finals.
Logo and words placed on front of program.
Multiple weeks of media schedule to run prior to the event, with logo included in all print ads.